Asking Questions – The Top Three Questions (T3Q™) Curiosity is critical for leaders. Leaders need to know many things. The best way to learn what is needed is to ask questions. While there are an endless number of questions that can ultimately be asked, at...
OB3™ — Organizational Behavior in 3 Minutes There are many useful, yet complex, concepts for leaders to master. Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study that addresses how elements, ideas, concepts, work areas, processes, and people work and interact in...
Culture by Design Organizations all have a culture. The culture occurs by accident or on purpose. It never happens as a mistake. This means, if culture is ignored by leadership, an accidental culture rather than a purposeful culture may develop. Leaders are called to...
Deliver Excellent Customer Service with a SNAP™ Customer service is all about communication and follow up. This program presents a simple technique called SNAP™ that dramatically reduces customer and customer service representative anxiety. SNAP™ stands for Status,...
Transparent Accountability Starts With You Accountability has received a bad rap recently. True accountability is not about placing blame, it is, in fact, about giving an “accounting” of something. For us as leaders, this key concept is connected to...